Non-NHS Services

Some services provided fall outside the scope of the NHS and therefore attract charges.

Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates

Our reception staff will be happy to advise you about appointment availability and applicable charges.

Travel Vaccinations

If you’re planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.

Vaccinations are available to protect you against infections such as yellow fevertyphoid and hepatitis A.

In the UK, the NHS routine immunisation (vaccination) schedule protects you against a number of diseases, but does not cover all of the infectious diseases found overseas.

Before Travelling:

  • See the GP or a private travel clinic at least 6 to 8 weeks before you’re due to travel

Some vaccines need to be given well in advance to allow your body to develop immunity, and some vaccines involve a number of doses spread over several weeks or months.

You may be more at risk of some diseases, for example, if you’re:

  • Travelling in rural areas
  • Backpacking
  • Staying in hostels or camping
  • On a long trip rather than a package holiday

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

If you have a pre-existing health problem, this may make you more at risk of infection or complications from a travel-related illness.

Find out which vaccinations are necessary or recommended for the areas you’ll be visiting on these websites:

Travel Health Pro

NHS Fit for Travel

Some countries require proof of vaccination (for example, for polio or yellow fever vaccination), which must be documented on an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) before you enter or when you leave a country.

Saudi Arabia requires proof of vaccination against certain types of meningitis for visitors arriving for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.

Even if an ICVP is not required, it’s still a good idea to take a record of the vaccinations you have had with you.

Find out more about the vaccines available for travellers abroad

First, phone or visit the GP practice or practice nurse to find out whether your existing UK vaccinations are up-to-date.

If you have any records of your vaccinations, let the GP know what you have had previously.
The GP or practice nurse may be able to give you general advice about travel vaccinations and travel health, such as protecting yourself from malaria.

They can give you any missing doses of your UK vaccines if you need them.
Not all travel vaccinations are available free on the NHS, even if they’re recommended for travel to a certain area.

If the GP practice can give you the travel vaccines you need but they are not available on the NHS, ask for:

– Written information on what vaccines are needed
– The cost of each dose or course
– Any other charges you may have to pay, such as for some certificates of vaccination

You can also get travel vaccines from:

– Private travel vaccination clinics
– Pharmacies offering travel healthcare services

The following travel vaccines are available free on the NHS from your GP surgery:

Polio (given as a combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio jab)
Hepatitis A

These vaccines are free because they protect against diseases thought to represent the greatest risk to public health if they were brought into the country.

To get more information about what travel immunisations you require please complete the form below:

Travel Questionnaire

Please complete the form below to get more information about what travel immunisations you require. Most vaccines are given at least 2 weeks before travel, and some more complicated regimes take longer. Please try to give us prior notice (preferably 6 weeks).
Date of Birth
Women Only: Is there any possibility you may be pregnant?
UK Departure Date
Please enter a number from 0 to 99999.
Further Information
Purpose of your trip
Holiday type
Planned Activities
Are you fit for travel?
Do you have any allergies?

Meningitis ACWY Vaccination

The Men ACWY vaccine is being offered as a new vaccination programme for young people up to the age of 25. This vaccine protects against meningitis (inflammation of the brain) and septicaemia (blood poisoning) caused by meningococcal groups A, C, W and Y.

Further information on the vaccination programme and meningococcal disease can be found on the NHS website.

It is very important that young people take up the vaccine. It is being offered in response to a rapidly growing increase in cases of a highly aggressive strain of meningococcal disease group W. This disease can cause meningitis and septicaemia that can kill in hours, and those who recover may be left severely disabled. The vaccine also protects against three other meningococcal groups too – A, C and Y.

Going to university?

If you’re planning to go to university, please make an appointment as soon as possible before leaving for university. You are at more risk of meningitis and septicaemia in the first weeks at university when you mix with lots of new people, some of whom may unknowingly carry the meningococcal bacteria, which is usually spread through prolonged close contact.

If you decide not to have the vaccination please let us know so we can enter this on your medical records.

MMR Vaccination

There has been a recent out break of Measles in this area, if you have not received the MMR Vaccination please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.

Pneumonia Vaccination

These vaccinations are available at the surgery now.

Please contact Reception to check your eligibility and book your appointment.

Thank you.

Shingles Vaccination

These vaccinations are available at the surgery now. Please contact Reception to check your eligibility and book your appointment. Thank you.

What is shingles?

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster virus) in people who have previously had chickenpox.

It begins with a burning sensation in the skin, followed by a rash of very painful fluid-filled blisters that can then burst and turn into sores before healing. Often an area on just one side of the body is affected, usually the chest but sometimes the head, face and eye.

What is Shingles Vaccine?

A vaccine to prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease is available on the NHS to certain people in their 70s.

The shingles vaccine is given as a single injection. Unlike the flu jab, you’ll only need to have the vaccination once and you can have it at any time of the year.

The shingles vaccine is expected to reduce your risk of getting shingles. If you are unlucky enough to go on to have the disease, your symptoms may be milder and the illness shorter.

Shingles can be very painful and uncomfortable. Some people are left with pain lasting for years after the initial rash has healed. And shingles is fatal for around 1 in 1,000 over-70s who develop it.

It’s fine to have the shingles vaccine if you’ve already had shingles. The shingles vaccine works very well in people who have had shingles before and it will boost your immunity against further shingles attacks.

Who can have the shingles vaccination?

You’re eligible for the shingles vaccine if you are aged 70 to 79.Patients remain eligible up until their 80th birthday.

You can have the shingles vaccination at any time of year, though many people will find it convenient to have the vaccine at the same time as their annual flu vaccination.

What is the brand name of the shingles vaccine?

The brand name of the shingles vaccine given in the UK is Zostavax. It can be given at any time of the year.

How is the shingles vaccine given?

As an injection into the upper arm.

How does the shingles vaccine work?

The vaccine contains a weakened chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster virus). It’s similar, but not identical to, the chickenpox vaccine.

Very occasionally, people have developed a chickenpox-like illness following shingles vaccination (fewer than 1 in 10,000 individuals).

How long will the shingles vaccine protect me for?

It’s difficult to be precise, but research to date suggests the shingles vaccine will protect you for at least three years, probably longer.

How safe is the shingles vaccine?

There is lots of evidence showing that the new shingles vaccine is very safe. It’s already been used in several countries, including the US and Canada, and no safety concerns have been raised. The vaccine also has few side effects.

How is shingles spread?

You don’t “catch” shingles – it comes on when there’s a reawakening of chickenpox virus that’s already in your body. The virus can be reactivated because of advancing age, medication, illness or stress and so on.

Anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles. It’s estimated that around one in five people who have had chickenpox go on to develop shingles.

Who’s most at risk of shingles?

People tend to get shingles more often as they get older, especially over the age of  70. And the older you are, the worse it can be. The shingles rash can be extremely painful, such that sufferers can’t even bear the feeling of their clothes touching the affected skin.

The pain of shingles can also linger long after the rash has disappeared, even for many years. This lingering pain is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).

Visit the NHS website for more information about the Shingles vaccine.

Flu Vaccinations

The flu vaccination is the best protection for you and those around you which is why it is offered for free for those most at risk.

Vaccinations started in September and continue over the winter months, with appointments available throughout the season (so there is still plenty of time to book).  Priority is given to those who are most at risk of flu. 


As per government guidance all patients aged between 50-64 years are entitled to a flu vaccination; we are sending invites to patients for this; however, if you are eligible and have not heard please contact the practice to arrange an  appointment. 

Chlamydia Screening

Chlamydia is the most common STI among under 25s and is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia is easily passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

Chlamydia often has no symptoms, so you can only be sure you don’t have Chlamydia if you have a test.

Symptoms could include:

  • Unusual discharge from the vagina (or urethra), penis and/or anus
  • Pain when passing urine
  • Pain or bleeding during sex
  • Swelling/soreness around the genitals
  • Lower abdominal pain

If left untreated, Chlamydia can cause painful and serious health problems in men and women including infertility.

If you are aged between 15 and 25 then please feel free to ask at reception to obtain a testing kit or ask for an appointment with our Health Care Assistant to discuss further.

Minor Surgery

King George Road Surgery offers a wide range of minor surgery procedures including:

  • Steroid injections
  • Excisions of moles, lumps, skin tags & cysts
  • Coil fitting and removal
  • Aspirations
  • Removal of the contraceptive implant 

Please contact reception to arrange an appointment with your GP to discuss what minor surgery may be required.We also provide this service to patients that are not registered with our practice, you will need a referral from your registered GP.

Diabetes Prevention

NHS England has commissioned a provider, Xyla Health and Wellbeing, to provide the ‘Your local Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme’ for patients at risk of type 2 diabetes.

Once a patient is referred, they will be contacted for a motivational interview with the provider (Xyla) to help them enrol onto the course and to have an opportunity to ask any questions they have at this time, including if you don’t want to enrol in the programme.

Xyla Health and Wellbeing is part of the Acacium Group and sometimes, if required and legally allowed, Xyla may share some of your basic details such as your name and contact details with providers who have been identified as suitable to contact you to provide support for you during this programme.

Any sharing of your data is done as little as possible, under due diligence and in compliance with applicable laws. For full details on how Xyla would use your data for the diabetes prevention programme, see their Privacy Notice

For general information on the national diabetes prevention programme, please visit the NHS England website.